Rozing is certainly a beautiful and profitable business idea. The colored business has always been very cost-effective. A lot of beautiful legends know about roses, they re the most popular flowers from buyers. There are more than 1, species and more than 10, varieties of different roses. The breeders continue to produce new varieties with brighter colours and…
Many apartments, houses and offices have live flowers. They decorate the room, fill it with cozyness and enjoy the eyes of green leaves and colours. For the flower not only to look beautifully but to develop well, it needs the right content, including the choice of the right pot. Let s see the ceramic mountains for flowers and find out where they re best used…
In our vibrant life, a small oasis of our own dachas is a true luxury. You can hide from the fuss of a sound city, calm quietly rest in silence and peace, and there s hard physical work here, not fatigue, but only joy, especially when you see the handfuls of your work. Many lucky people turn their suburban properties into little Eden, creating an unusually beautiful…
Make two rectangular brackets for the trolley pen. To this end, aluminium stripes of 2, 5 cm and thickness 3, 1m will be fine. It s good material, it s simple in handling and spanning, not exposed to weather and corrosion. Each interior side shall be about 10 cm long and 3/16 inches (4,7mm) of the openings for the attachments on the one hand of each detail shall…
For the decor, you will need acrylic paint of white Matt Latex Dufa and acrylic Umbrana natural; skins (green and small); decoration glue (possible to use PWA glue); synthetic large; water polymerizer (for flowers); paint-coloured containers. 1. For convenience, the box can be removed from the fountain by taking out the wines and loops, put in a separate box…
Every gardener knows that tree branches and handicrafts have been and are not yielding fruit over time. In order to prevent this process, the damaged winds are circumcised. After such a procedure, buoyancy and generosity of fruit crops are guaranteed. Fiskars scavengers will be great to cut the runs, flowers, the winds aren t big. With the secator, you can create…
Important: Soliter should not be tall. Proportionality is important for this emphasis. That is why very high plants with long vertical runs are not suitable for this role: boys, dolphins and others. They require the support, and without it, they do not withstand winds and very often drop colours. Among other things, such plants on the open plane look disproportionately…
It turns out that people from the architecture and the nerds came into the landscape design. I m the last one, so for me the foundation of the garden is the plants, and the landing plan is the most important feature of the project. Since I don t have a lecture on landscape designs now, I m not gonna tell you what everyone knows (on alleys, living gardens, crown…
BEGNIA originates from tropical and subtropical areas of Asia, America and Africa. The name of the plant was received in the honour of Michel Behon, Governor of San Domingo (Western part of Haiti), who was a great amateur of flowers. The fugitive family has about 1, species. The colors of the runaway are very popular as room plants because of the wide variety…
Contents: Many of us, when mentioning ficuses, recall a rubber who stole our houses in Soviet times. But lately, Benjamin s ficus is a huge and stunning bush, not the most demanding thing to do. Naturally, there s a question for fans of this kind: how do you multiply the ficcous? We ve decided to talk about all possible options, and you choose the right one for…
Flora PlastLux offers to buy plastic pots of its own production. Starting in 1995, firmsspecialists have been engaged in consumer demand research in this market sector and are developing new models in the most promising and demanding direction. Since the companys founding, plastic mountains have been one of the main products of their own production. Plastic potato…
Pinks like everybody, but they re so sad when they come in. I want to extend the life of flowers. But whatever you re doing, there s still an hour when you have to throw out the bouquet But observational people can notice that sometimes roses in the bouquet give rise to new escapes. You can use this amazing character of flowers and steal your house with amazing…
Planned for crop breeding of vegetables, berry, flower, forest and decorative crops, various medicinal plants, green food and gas coatings in protected soil. The cultivation of sediment (plant material) is a very important and responsible step in the future of yield. Vegetables first understood the advantage of growing plants in containers. Most importantly…
Once the plant has been planted in the room, it has to be cut. Leave should not be more than 15 cm. Such a cut would help reconstruct the plant in the apartment. In February, the petition was again cut off to encourage new escapes. The youngest runners are used for the line. To this end, the uppers of racing with 4-6 leaflets are cut. The two upper leaflets are…
The companys catalogue contains over 3, ready cottages and country houses from the red kernel. You can order a portfolio of designers and architects working with us. Leaders from the United States, Canada, Japan and other countries around the world presented their projects. On the website of the exclusive representative of LINDAL in Russia, you can see a part…
It s very common for a home to go all the things that no longer need in the city - old furniture, bad bed laundry and towels, clothes that don t like any other stuff. It is believed that this is the way to save funds and create an interior of economic class. But making unnecessary things out of your country house is totally wrong, because you re going to rest…
Gruntek is a German quality at a profitable price of Gruntek is capable of meeting the needs of most gardeners and gardeners. A German manufacturer, but their price policy is very democratic for buyers. The quality of steel and related materials is at a high garden level. Several types of inventory are proposed for the client with different indicators: The Inox…
For someone who wants to have a beautiful plant in his home, but he doesn t know how to get room flowers, a gibscus is perfect. Despite your beauty, the plant is very unpleasant. It is calmly maintained with low lighting and sharp temperatures and welds. It won t go away, even if you miss the bay. It is precisely because of his intransigence that he is often…
How do you multiply the orchid? Knowing the particular characteristics of home-based orchids, it is possible to multiply a famed copy. The multiplication of orchids produces the division of large plants, babies, top worms, side runs, pseudos, seeds. The best time of the year for reproduction is the beginning of the spring (for transplant) when the plant of the…
AgroECOD disembarkation tapes are designed for reuse and manufactured from nontoxic plastic, so our product is environmentally sound. Our product is economically profitable and convenient for a number of reasons, and growing plants in clusters is the most modern and progressive way. This way of growing plants is very popular and continues to conquer all new positions…
GARDENA GARDENA Comfort, with a super-set of cut head for grapes, flowers, young escapes and green nets. The adjustable width of the handwriting allows the secator to be sized, which ensures ergonomicity and comfort in the work. The blade of the precision is covered by the lining. Two seizure provisions allow both a strong cut and rapid cut. Suitable pens are…
So, you have a new day house, and there s nothing around it. Chick islands of some green, measles and dull grey land. And you re thinking about cutting your head, where do you start upgrading the site? With the plan, of course! You ve already figured out the ideas, right? If you like experimenting, you ll be able to create a landscape design with your hands…
In the garden hose section of our Internet store, we can select garden hoses on characteristics, read the feedback from other buyers, compare the descriptions of the models and prices. If you re making it difficult to choose, our specialists will help buy a garden hose model that suits you. We can also pick up the associated supplies for garden hoses and deliver…
Choose the design of a garden on the photos of possible stylices, the pre-planning phase of the land plot is the determination of the style in which the garden design will be completed. A graphic combination of all its integral elements will create a harmonious masterpiece. Otherwise, free planning has all the chances of getting a tasteless person and negatively…
ANNA AND MIHAEL COCHELEVA, under the headingDizine-hac, professional interior designers and decorators provide guidance on transforming typical seed houses into life-suitable spaces. In this issue, Anna and Mikhail Kouchewa, design-project owners go out of town and give a specific example of how to fix old parenting. When Ana and I met, we lived on the clean…
It s not a simple saving of the family s budget, but a job that gives us joy. It is pleasant to use useful inventions that facilitate garden and garden work. The recreational zones are also trying to be literate and cost-free. And we re doing housework and most of the time in winter is a lot of thinking, and construction stores have a minute to run. The cost…
Today, we ll talk about a way to multiply the orchids of the flanops with the cheeks, because it s the most accessible, though complicated. Unfortunately, falenopsis is not so easy to multiply. The thing is, it s a monopolyid orchid that has only one growth point. Varieties such as katle, dendrobium, cymbideum, pafiopedium, oncideum, cambria and many others are…