Multiplication Of Phenopsis Cheres
Today, we'll talk about a way to multiply the orchids of the flanops with the cheeks, because it's the most accessible, though complicated. Unfortunately, falenopsis is not so easy to multiply. The thing is, it's a monopolyid orchid that has only one growth point. Varieties such as katle, dendrobium, cymbideum, pafiopedium, oncideum, cambria and many others are much easier to disperse the bush. So you'll get some grown-up plants ready to flow. Whatever you say about falenopsis, vanda, ascocent. Flenopsies can only produce babies in two ways: the growing of children from colour, cervix, and the multiplication of orchids by blooms that have already triggered.
How to raise kids from the lazy.
Above all, some requirements for adult plant need to be taken into account, which requires young growers. The root system shall be strong and well developed, the number of leaves of 4 or more, the age of colour of 1 year. It's like a day temperature of 25 degrees, night temperature 17-20, air humidity of 60 per cent, slack of 10 to 14 days of necessarily warm and soft water. There is also a need to provide a maternal plant with 12-13 hours of lighting per day. So, now we need a sharp knife to multiply the orchid of the flenops with the cheeks. By disinfecting him on fire, cut the dyke at the base. It shall be divided into several parts so that each piece has 1-2 sleeping kidneys down the centre. Don't forget to slice active or charcoal powder for disinfection and rapid recovery. The branches are then placed in mini-tracks. They are manufactured from plastic one-time or multiple containers, aquariums, solid polyethylene. It's very convenient to put branches in a zip-pack. In the early days, before reproducing Orchids of the worms Colorososis, get a fresh or dry stagnum to put a good piece of sphagnum on the bottom of each heater, and it's full of silver. This is necessary to maintain a high humidity, because only such conditions are suitable for the development of children from the vectors. There is another interesting method shared by tropical plants. Cut colouring shall be placed in water with the concentration indicated on the package and placed in a bright spot. Kidneys have to wake up fast, throwing babies out.