Disein Dachi Inside
In Disein Hak, professional interior designers and decorators provide guidance on transforming typical seed houses into life-suitable spaces. In this issue, Anna and Mikhail Kouchewa, design-project owners go out of town and give a specific example of how to fix old parenting.
When Ana and I met, we lived on the clean ponds, in the Maroseiki area. They couldn't imagine being outside the Sadow's, so they had to look for them. But, you know, with her parents who just moved out of town, we started staying with them for a day, then all weekend. Longer, and in three or four months, we've caught ourselves thinking that we're only going to the apartment for things, so we decided to move.
Life outside the city has completely overturned our notions of quality of life, so now we're planning our own house. The advice we provide in this material has been tested in our own practice. Moreover, we plan to implement them again, taking into account all the lessons learned. Here, we'll only try to give what's not a waste of time or money.
The shortest examples of homes in New Jersey, on the one hand, and the sections with two-metre S.T. Slighthorkka, on the other, we were sure we didn't need a fence. Alas, it depends not only on our desire for privacy, but rather on trust in people. So if you don't know every resident of your long-term village, the fence is better.
The disadvantages of any fence are price and appearance. It's impossible to imagine any of the underwater fences in Europe. But there's one exception, a living garden. Yeah, it'll take care, but it's worth it. With all dignity, there's one minus - it takes at least five years to get the bushes to a security function.
First of all, we're suggesting that we put a fence out of an industrial grid, that's a lot of airports. The fence may be laminated and just zinc, but when the bushes grow up, it won't matter. You hit the poles by two meters in the angular (between hitting, otherwise the next spring will lead, and the exact fence can be forgotten), fasten the grid, plant the bushes, and start cutting in a couple of years (the haircut even the little bites increases dense and growth rates). If you, like we do, like the regular fences (which will have to be cut), put a blunt, bruising, ordinary, or Barbaris Tunberg. If you're not going to take care of the bushes, you're a warrior, a dictionary or a spirit that's fabulous. If you want a six-metre fence, put those. The cost of the hijacking meter is between 1,200 and 7,000 if you want to start immediately from one and a half meters.